It's a famous quote, it gives you the positivity and motivation to dream higher and bigger but what about the what-ifs that are always there to kill us. As a student, what I experienced is no different than any other student, across the globe most of us suffer from the same fears, What if I don't get admission to the university I want? What if I disappoint my parents? What if I don't get successful? and many more. In all the what-ifs there is one common thing, Fear of failure. 


ATCHIPHOBIA, a scientific term for fear of failure it's not a disease but it can be lethal. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, I can tell you that If you don't overcome it within time, the only thing left with you will be regret. You cannot overcome it within one day but you have to take baby steps in that direction starting today. If we google it a very specific line is shown-Atychiphobia is an intense fear of failure. It may cause you to put off or avoid any activity or scenario that has the potential for an unsuccessful outcome. Someone with this condition may be scared to try new things, take risks or embrace growth for fear of failure. 

This statement is not far from the truth, to be honest, it is true. There is just a slight mistake people suffering from this don't avoid the scenario that has potential unsuccessful outcomes but they also avoid the scenarios with potential successful outcomes because they have lowered their self-esteem and think that they won't be able to achieve anything. They constantly think they will fail and miss opportunities. Not only that it also leads to several other problems like anxiety, self-doubt, overthinking, procrastinating, and many more. In my case, it was anxiety that was dominant and people who suffer or suffered from anxiety can tell you that it drains your energy and you wouldn't be able to give your 100% at anything and this cycle of fear of failure and anxiety will continue forever. To make it better, take the steps in the right direction to overcome it, consider therapy, breathing exercises, or whatever you think suits you but do it for your betterment.


Many things could go wrong, and nothing has a 100% success rate but the worst thing that could happen is you may not get what you want. If you don't try or avoid the challenge you will still not get anything so what's wrong with trying at least the chances will increase by 50%.
The biggest failure is giving up without trying, be afraid of that not anything else. People don't care if you fail, they will always judge you and when they get bored they move to someone else. A successful person never mocks or judges a beginner only insecure people do that. So do whatever you want to do because no fear is bigger than regretting a missed opportunity. Don't be afraid of trying a challenge, dreaming big.


Once, you overcome your fear of failure(keep in mind nobody can 100% overcome it and that's what makes us human) and start working in the right direction you will be able to achieve almost everything because trying is what matters. Don't be afraid of dreaming big it is not only okay, but it's essential it's what will take you further in life, motivate you, and drive you towards growth and achievement. You will able to dream big without fearing failure and there is nothing that can drag you down because then you will convert your failure into a learning opportunity. By working hard and self-belief one can achieve all their dreams. Always remember- "failure is what leads to success". 
